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From Russia with Love… Are Putin’s FSB Internet TROLLS Promoting TRUMP?

From fake pro-Donald Trump parody-style news sites like Prntly.com which spread LIES and SLANDER against his Republican rivals…

Trump Pres after Paris bombing

Russian writer for Prntly dot com Dmitri Voltova suggests that Donald Trump will be elected President as a result of the Paris terrorist bombing.

is Prntly working for Trump

Screenshots of slanderous fake ‘news stories’ published by Prntly.com

…to recruitment of social media ‘COVERT OPERATIVES’ by officially Trump sanctioned websites and Facebook accounts…

Troll for Trump covert ops

Post made to the page of Prntly web developer Joshua Barton by possibly fictitious Tea Party Activist Ms. Letty Bromenschenkel advertising for ‘COVERT OPERATIVES’ to Troll Social Media Pages for Trump. The trolling effort is being orchestrated by Gary Pasquariello Forbes – the man who is also now issuing threats against Republican Party officials and national delegates!

to outright ENDORSEMENTS from Putin’s chief ‘patriotic propagandist’ and a radical white-supremacist Eurasianist who advises the Russian Federation to commit acts of genocide in Ukraine and Syria…

Twitter feed of Konstantin Rykov, the chief PATRIOTIC PROPAGANDIST of the Russian Federation and mouthpiece for Vladimir Putin. Highlighted in yellow is a link to the website he admins to promote the campaign of US Presidential candidate Donald Trump!

Trump has also been ENDORSED by radical White Supremacist Eurasianist Aleksandr Dugin who advocated for GENOCIDE during Russian incursions into Ukraine…


“Putin’s Rasputin”

There is ample evidence that even though the Cold War has been ostensibly ‘over’ since the fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet Communism in the early 1990s and relations have warmed a bit with Putin’s government…

Russian Intelligence through its Federal Security Service (FSB) and the shady ‘Internet Research Agency’ is still on the job attempting to spew pro-Russian propaganda favorable to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive foreign policy objectives and opposing US interests. They are trying to convince whom they PERCEIVE as the ‘gullible & stupid American public’ that it is PERFECTLY OKAY for Russia to prop up the murderous regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, invade neighboring Ukraine territory, and bomb civilian villages which has led not only to the rise of ISIS but also to the thousands who now have been forced to flee as refugees flooding Europe with a debilitating humanitarian crisis!

Now Russian spies and INTERNET TROLLS may be engaged in the ultimate game of clandestine ‘political chess’ as they seemingly attempt to, as Khrushchev put it…

“Destroy America from within without firing a shot…”


And they are achieving their conquest by promoting an OFFENSIVE XENOPHOBIC NARCISSIST who DEFENDS the deranged foreign policy agenda of Vladimir Putin, while blaming all the ills in the United States on OUR OWN U.S. CONGRESS (Washington Establishment). Donald Trump has PRAISED Putin for his strong leadership and has made statements supportive of the Russian leader’s propaganda objectives stating that he would take a NEUTRAL stance between Israel and Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah; stating his desire to weaken the US leadership presence in the NATO Alliance and decrease funding which protects the sovereignty and safety of our European allies from Communist and Terrorist aggression; and stating that he would not openly oppose Russia’s heavy handed aggression toward its neighbors or to promote suppression of free speech among its own citizenry and press outlets!

Trump has even called for the weakening of our own 1st Amendment God-given rights of Free Speech and Free Press through more stringent LIBEL LAWS and media restrictions on those who would criticize his administration’s policies!

Suspicions about Trump’s connections to the Russian propaganda apparatus began last Fall 2015 as US Presidential candidates began opening up official websites and social media pages which have traditionally been used to promote their individual platform positions and announce campaign events etc… Usually there are a few stray critical comments concerning voters’ disagreement on various national issues, but the official sites usually remain more informative rather than confrontational in their content. This year however things have been notably different! On the pages of Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz…. each post would be followed by Tens, sometimes HUNDREDS of rude and offensive remarks about candidates’ personal character and insinuations that they were despised by the American people and should immediately drop out of the race, etc… All but two of Trump’s opponents have now succumbed to the pressure and left the race. Courageously, Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich have so far withstood the online onslaught. All the slanderous propaganda in social media and other internet sites has been parroted as if on cue, by national media outlets such as Fox News, leading voters to join the bandwagon of the one candidate who seems IMMUNE to attack! That so-called ‘teflon Donald’ was even so bold as to declare that he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue in New York City and SHOOT SOMEONE and voters wouldn’t care… They would vote for him anyway and he wouldn’t drop in the polls! Trump has also gotten away with offensive attacks on women, the disabled, Mexican immigrants, those of the Muslim Faith, and even Senator John McCain – one of our honored American POWs!

The Trump Trolls have been posting rude offensive comments like these which appeared on the official Facebook site of Jeb Bush’s campaign…

(Example of some of the thousands of nasty remarks on social media by alleged Trump supporters – TRUMP TROLLS!)

The Trump Trolls did not restrict their attacks only to Facebook and Twitter, but they also posted offensive blog articles and memes on fraudulent parody fake news sites such as Prntly.com which were frequently quoted by candidate Trump himself and were rebroadcast by the major networks…

Trump LIED and falsely took credit for an alleged Ford decision to move one of its manufacturing plants to a location in Ohio rather than Mexico. The story was completely inaccurate!

The most talked about of these fake ‘news stories’ was an article on Prntly alleging that Donald Trump was responsible for a Ford plan to build a large production plant in Ohio instead of Mexico. Trump publicly accepted credit for the business development which never actually even took place – in fact – Ford DID go ahead with its plan to build its plant in Mexico!

Now here’s where the story gets more interesting. No one paid attention to the name of the Prntly WRITER who published the fraudulent Ford story, an allegedly RUSSIAN writer named Dmitri Voltova who it was claimed on the Prntly website was a Russian native who moved to the United States after the fall of the Soviet Union and presents a “voice from the former communist empires”…

The persona of Dmitri Voltova does not exist, he is a complete sock-puppet pen name which possibly could be an alias for Prntly web developer and partner Joshua Barton – or maybe an alias for SOMEONE ELSE with a particular bent towards the RUSSIAN political point of view. In fact, all Voltova’s ‘articles’ on Prntly which began to appear in September 2015, consist of defense of either Donald Trump’s political campaign through attacks on the other candidates OR a defense of Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy agenda and propaganda positions! Prntly even TWEETED one of their articles alleging that Russia would defeat ISIS in a matter of days – and the tweet was tagged to two very interesting parties…

Vladimir Putin AND Donald Trump!

The Russian government has been trying to convince the World community that they are actively combating the ISIS threat, when in reality they are doing little to thwart the terror group and in fact may even be aiding their objectives through Putin’s support for the Assad regime in Syria and the incessant bombing of civilian villages!

The Prntly.com FAKE NEWS SITE is actually headed up by two sleazy American computer geeks named Alexander Portelli a somewhat Libertarian Ex Con drug dealer from Albany, New York and Josh Barton (a rabid Trump fan). The pair also run a printing business out of an office in Manchester, New Hampshire where they produce Trump paraphernalia for sale via their Prntly internet site…

The address for Prntly was listed on their website as 260 Pearl Street in Manchester, New Hampshire

The address of the business is ‘curious’ as this article from the Manchester Union Leader points out that a recent DRUG ARREST was made of a man residing at that same location!

Prntly 260 pearl st

Excerpt of article from Manchester Union Leader May 23, 2014


It is one thing for Trump to hire a less than professional company to engage in his negative campaigning and internet attack ads on opponents, but it is far another matter if he is conspiring with AGENTS OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT TO PROMOTE HIS PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRATIONS ONLINE by FALSELY INFLUENCING THE AMERICAN ELECTORATE! And that may be exactly what Trump is doing…

It has been widely reported in recent weeks that FAKE NEWS SITES promoting LIES and SLANDEROUS ARTICLES favorable to presidential candidate Trump, have been appearing on the internet which have IP Addresses traced back to locations in the Russian-leaning Slavic outpost of Macedonia and that TROLLS are being PAID to write pro Trump comments on various social media and web groups.

Pro Trump FAKE NEWS PORTAL traced back to an IP and registrant in Macedonia

Examiner.com reported…

Articles about fake voter fraud in Wisconsin and claims that Ted Cruz will be dropping out of the presidential race (he is not) were posted at all of the above sites. They linked back to other pro-Trump sites such as thepoliticalinsider.com, thegatewaypundit.com and endingthefed.com.


Pro Trump FAKE NEWS SITE run by Romanian blogger Ovidiu Drobotă


This is the strategy of these foreign sponsored web pages… to print fraudulent stories which bolster the campaign of Donald Trump while portraying all his opponents in a negative light, even to the point of outright SLANDER and LIES! Then these phony articles are distributed through a wide range of social media groups, Twitter, Facebook, and radical conspiracy-oriented web pages based in the United States which favor Russian foreign policy objectives and warmer relations with the Putin regime. And unfortunately, their devious strategy has been working and tricking many Americans into actually VOTING for the offensive, hate-mongering Trump!

A team of investigators has done some research into the origins of one of these pro Trump FAKE NEWS PORTALS… ENDINGTHEFED.COM (pictured in the above screenshot) and we have found that like most of these fraudulent sites it originates from a FOREIGN ADMINISTRATOR in ROMANIA who appears to be a SHILL HIRED BY THE PUTIN REGIME IN AN EFFORT TO PROMOTE TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN ON SOCIAL MEDIA and possibly also through video production!

Ovidiu Drobota pic

Romanian Blogger Ovidiu Drobotă the administrator of the Pro Donald Trump website EndingtheFed.com



Ending the Fed is a PROPAGANDA site run by Romanian blogger Ovidiu Drobotă who also frequently posts comments on Facebook and other social media in support of candidate Trump and other pro-Putin agenda topics. He distributes his propaganda dribble via at least


Drobota also runs a You Tube page where he produces and presumably sells his online videos for profit. He also frequently reposts news videos concerning Buffoon Billionaire Trump…


The Russian Federation Federal Security Service FSB also has been publicly exposed in a New York Times Magazine article for PAYING TROLLS to distribute online propaganda on behalf of Putin’s political agenda!

The Guardian also published an expose’ on Russia’s Internet Troll Factories such as this one located in St. Petersburg…

Russian troll house

Russian Operatives spew their biased propaganda from Internet Troll Houses like this one in St. Petersburg


The Russians pay their undercover INTERNET TROLLS about $800 per month which is about the same salary as a university professor! They work in teams of three posting sometimes nasty and politically motivated remarks in the comment section of pages on social media such as Facebook – comments like THIS ONE posted on March 1st by Ovidiu Drobota on a post about candidate Trump…

And when Drobota is not hanging around the comment sections of Facebook, he spends his time PRETENDING to be a Harvard University Alumnus who runs the group… LATINOS for Donald Trump!


So WHY DOES Drobota, a ROMANIAN NATIONAL care what happens in the US Presidential Election? Maybe it’s because he is being PAID TO CARE and to PROMOTE TRUMP as a SHILL for Vladimir Putin!

Prntly article pic3